Cofinimmo's Corporate Governance Charter describe the set of rules, procedures and practices defining the way in which the company is managed and controlled. Cofinimmo has adopted the 2009 Belgian Corporate Governance Code ("Code 2009") as a reference code, as well as the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code ('Code 2020), mandatory for financial years beginning on or after 01.01.2020.
Corporate ethics
Cofinimmo puts strong emphasis on the principles of honesty, integrity and fairness in all spheres and expects a similar attitude by the third parties with whom it has business dealings. All staff must avoid any conflicts of interest between their role in the company and their other activities, professional or private. All transactions are recorded with the greatest accuracy and in accordance with the law.
Political activities
Cofinimmo acts in a socially responsible manner according to the laws of the country in which it operates, while pursuing legitimate commercial objectives. It does not finance or participate in any political party or organization.
Conflicts of interest
Any member of Staff having a conflict of interest is instructed to immediately notify his/her line superior. Similarly, a Director is expected to notify the Chairman of the Board of Directors and refrain from participating in the decision-making process. It is forbidden to use a connection with Cofinimmo to gain remuneration or personal advantage.
Professional secrecy
Members of the company bodies and staff are forbidden to use or divulge information that may have come to their knowledge during the course of their work. Cofinimmo abides by the laws and ensures that any privileged information remains strictly confidential.
Prevention of insider trading
Members of the company bodies and of the Staff who have the intention to realise transactions with Cofinimmo shares are instructed to declare this beforehand to the Secretary General. They are strictly prohibited from buying or selling shares during key periods around the publications of company reports, or when they have knowledge of confidential information likely to influence the price. They are also forbidden to communicate this information to a third party - including family members. Cofinimmo maintains a duty of confidentiality at all times.